Nuclear waste
Many existing and proposed nuclear power facilities and nuclear waste sites are on the shores of the lakes, rivers, and oceans across Canada. There is a risk that nuclear waste could leach into groundwater and even surface water that communities depend on.
The federal government has been letting the nuclear industry manage its own radioactive waste for years with minimal oversight – one of the many examples of corporate capture in the country. At the same time, the federal government has been subsidizing the development of dangerous nuclear technology with no plan to safely dispose of the additional waste created over the coming decades.
Industry won’t regulate itself. We need strong, transparent, and effective federal oversight of the nuclear industry to avoid leaving a radioactive legacy to the generations that will come after us.

Kebaowek First Nation challenged approval of Chalk River nuclear waste dump in federal court

Buried secrets and unheard voices

Public Rally, Stop the Chalk River Nuclear Megadump Feb. 28-Mar. 1

Chalk River nuclear waste dumps approved without free, prior, informed consent

Algonquin First Nations oppose giant radioactive waste mound beside the Ottawa River on their unceded territory

Algonquin First Nations standing firm to prevent a giant radioactive waste mound next to the Ottawa River in their unceded traditional territory

Radioactive waste: The making of a grassroots campaign