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Nuclear waste

Many existing and proposed nuclear power facilities and nuclear waste sites are on the shores of the lakes, rivers, and oceans across Canada. There is a risk that nuclear waste could leach into groundwater and even surface water that communities depend on.

The federal government has been letting the nuclear industry manage its own radioactive waste for years with minimal oversight – one of the many examples of corporate capture in the country. At the same time, the federal government has been subsidizing the development of dangerous nuclear technology with no plan to safely dispose of the additional waste created over the coming decades.

Industry won’t regulate itself. We need strong, transparent, and effective federal oversight of the nuclear industry to avoid leaving a radioactive legacy to the generations that will come after us.

Don't let the nuclear industry decide how to manage radioactive waste

Don’t let the nuclear industry decide how to manage radioactive waste

The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission has never failed to approve a license for the nuclear industry, even when serious concerns ...
Moving radioactive waste is risky beyond measure

Moving radioactive waste is risky beyond measure

The nuclear industry plans to transport highly radioactive waste over thousands of kilometers every day, for more than 40 years ...
Radioactive waste and Indigenous consent

Radioactive waste and Indigenous consent

You have heard this story before: an extractive industry is looking to dump toxic waste near an Indigenous community. This ...
Resource Document: Nuclear Waste Management in Canada

Resource Document: Nuclear Waste Management in Canada

This resource document was created to help navigate through complex issues surrounding radioactive nuclear industry waste management. It contains links ...
Council of Canadians backs call for town meeting in Arnprior on nuclear waste dump

Council of Canadians backs call for town meeting in Arnprior on nuclear waste dump

A one-million cubic metre nuclear waste dump could be built one-kilometre from the Ottawa River. The Council of Canadians expresses ...
Local groups oppose plan for nuclear waste site on Ottawa River

Local groups oppose plan for nuclear waste site on Ottawa River

Chalk River Laboratories is a nuclear research facility in Deep River, Renfrew County, Ontario, is situated on the Ottawa River ...
Federal agency to make recommendation on Lake Huron nuclear waste dump in fall 2017

Federal agency to make recommendation on Lake Huron nuclear waste dump in fall 2017

The Council of Canadians has been calling on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to reject a plan to bury 200,000 ...
Proposed liquid nuclear waste shipments from Ontario postponed

Proposed liquid nuclear waste shipments from Ontario postponed

The Council of Canadians is opposed to the planned shipments of liquid nuclear waste from the Chalk River nuclear ...