Offshore Drilling NS
Protect communities, fisheries, tourism and climate from Big Oil!
Despite the well-documented need to rapidly move toward a renewable energy future, provincial and federal governments have continued to support exploration for offshore oil and gas in Nova Scotian waters. Not only is this the opposite direction we need to go in addressing climate change, it puts Nova Scotian waters, marine life and related good jobs at risk of a serious oil spill or the harmful impacts of seismic testing.
Council of Canadians’ statement on Mi’kmaq assertion of the right to fish for a moderate livelihood
The Council of Canadians supports the Mi'kmaq treaty right to fish for a moderate livelihood, protected by the Peace and ...
BP’s 2018 drilling mud spill disappears like magic: CNSOPB
Today, the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board (CNSOPB) released the results of their investigation into BP Canada’s unauthorized spill of ...
You can’t eat oil – offshore drilling campaign update
“It is up to you to stop offshore oil drilling off of Nova Scotia. You can’t expect someone else to ...
Twelve municipal governments in Nova Scotia call for offshore drilling inquiry
This afternoon in advance of the start of the Federation of Nova Scotia Municipalities fall conference in Halifax, several south ...
Against offshore drilling? Your American neighbours are with you
This op-ed was originally posted on on November 5, 2019. By SHEILA DAVIES and JOHN WEBER We write as ...
Fighting offshore drilling at home and abroad
Following the Nova Scotia Federation of Municipalities Fall Conference, the Council of Canadians, the Campaign to Protect Offshore Nova Scotia, ...
Offshore, corporate capture and the federal election
When the federal election results first started rolling in October 21, I was overcome with a feeling that nothing was ...
Twelve NS municipal governments call for offshore drilling inquiry
What: A press conference announcing that 12 municipal governments from Chester to Digby have called on the provincial and federal ...