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Offshore Drilling NS

Protect communities, fisheries, tourism and climate from Big Oil!

Despite the well-documented need to rapidly move toward a renewable energy future, provincial and federal governments have continued to support exploration for offshore oil and gas in Nova Scotian waters. Not only is this the opposite direction we need to go in addressing climate change, it puts Nova Scotian waters, marine life and related good jobs at risk of a serious oil spill or the harmful impacts of seismic testing.

BP offshore drilling is offside with its new climate policy

BP offshore drilling is offside with its new climate policy

BP shareholders just overwhelmingly voted to adopt the climate emissions targets of the Paris Agreement, throwing the corporation’s Nova Scotia ...
Is offshore drilling becoming off limits?

Is offshore drilling becoming off limits?

In Canada and the U.S., Thursday was a big day of big setbacks for Big Oil’s offshore drilling plans. And ...
2018 in review: offshore drilling

2018 in review: offshore drilling

2018 was a huge year for the growing resistance to offshore drilling! As this year draws to a close we’re ...
Colin Sproul

Scratching out a living – Colin Sproul

Colin Sproul, fisherman Delap’s Cove, Nova Scotia This interview is part of the Faces of Offshore Resistance project highlighting a number of community ...
Win! Barrington and Wolfville support moratorium and inquiry about offshore drilling!

Win! Barrington and Wolfville support moratorium and inquiry about offshore drilling!

Two more municipalities have joined the growing list of supporters calling for a moratorium and inquriy on offshore drilling! On ...
Chelsea Fougere

It takes a village – Chelsea Fougere

Chelsea Fougere, Campaign to Protect Offshore Nova Scotia and Solidarity Halifax Conquerall Mills, Nova Scotia This interview is part of ...
David Devenne

Tourism flows from the ocean – Mayor of Mahone Bay David Devenne

David Devenne, Mayor of Town of Mahone Bay This interview is part of the Faces of Offshore Resistance project highlighting a number of ...
John Davis

We deserve better, and we’ll fight for it – John Davis

John Davis, Director of the Clean Ocean Action Committee Shelburne, Nova Scotia This interview is part of the Faces of ...