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The Council of Canadians fights to protect Canada’s freshwater sources from pollution, privatization, and government neglect. Our campaign work focuses on recognizing water as part of a shared commons and a human right.

Canada has no national strategy to address urgent water issues, leaving it up to communities to defend local waters. We support these Public Water Champions nationwide, mobilizing our tens of thousands of supporters and volunteer chapters. We encourage community empowerment and involvement through our “Blue Communities Project.” We are pushing the Federal government to create a strong and independent Canada Water Agency, a comprehensive National Water Policy, and to end Drinking Water Advisories in First Nations. We are opposing Big Water and its attempts to commodify water.

Water is vital to people’s health and livelihoods. Join us in taking action to protect water!

Stop the War on Science: Save the Experimental Lakes Area

Stop the War on Science: Save the Experimental Lakes Area

Winnipeg – Scientists, activists, and concerned citizens alike are uniting to send a clear message to the Harper Government: it ...
ELA to be sold off to “client-friendly” buyer with no scientific expertise?

ELA to be sold off to “client-friendly” buyer with no scientific expertise?

Ottawa – Yesterday, an article in iPolitics reported the federal government is in negotiations with the International Institute for Sustainable ...
Fisheries and Oceans Canada rejects Council of Canadians’ request to visit ELA

Fisheries and Oceans Canada rejects Council of Canadians’ request to visit ELA

Last Friday, the Council of Canadians received a response from Fisheries and Oceans Canada denying their request to visit the ...
60% of Conservative voters oppose the funding cuts to the Experimental Lakes Area

60% of Conservative voters oppose the funding cuts to the Experimental Lakes Area

An Environics Research poll commissioned by the Council of Canadians shows that 60% of Conservative voters oppose the cancellation of ...
First Nations and their allies oppose closure of Canada’s Experimental Lakes Area

First Nations and their allies oppose closure of Canada’s Experimental Lakes Area

OTTAWA — The recent decision by the Government of Canada to terminate a world-class federal research program, the Experimental Lakes ...
NEWS: Nestle pressures Guelph to not screen 'Tapped' documentary

NEWS: Nestle pressures Guelph to not screen ‘Tapped’ documentary

The Guelph Mercury reports, “The city pulled the plug on screening a film that portrayed Nestle Waters North America in ...
New report sets guidelines for municipal service charges

New report sets guidelines for municipal service charges

Communities, environmentalists and local governments pondering the issue of water service fees in an era of severe budget cuts have ...
Action Alert: Tell the U of A that Nestlé Chair Peter Brabeck-Letmathe doesn’t deserve an honorary degree

Action Alert: Tell the U of A that Nestlé Chair Peter Brabeck-Letmathe doesn’t deserve an honorary degree

The University of Alberta has announced that on March 1 it will award an honorary degree to Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, the ...