Today’s action in front of the NEB office in Calgary.
The Council of Canadians joined with 350.org, Leadnow.ca, Greenpeace and Avaaz in Calgary today to deliver more than 100,000 messages from people across the country to the National Energy Board (NEB) demanding that climate change be included in their review of the Energy East pipeline. Astonishingly, climate change is not currently on the list of issues the NEB will consider when making its recommendation to the federal government on this 1.1 million barrel per day pipeline project.
Edmonton-based Council of Canadians organizer Aleah Loney and members of our Calgary chapter were there for today’s action.
Loney says, “If the NEB considers upstream economic impacts when determining if a pipeline is in the ‘national interest’ then they must also consider that Energy East would have the same climate impact as 7 million cars. Surely stopping climate change is in Canada’s national interest.”
To help support this action and spread the word, please tweet:
– 100,000+ say #climatechange is part of determining national interest. Time for @NEBCanada to listen #EnergyEast
– The @NEBCanada has received 100,000+ msgs from across Canada, demanding a #climate review of #EnergyEast
We expect that the federal cabinet will make its decision about the Energy East pipeline by May 2016, that if approved construction would begin in 2017, and that by 2018 it would be operational. Our commitment is to stop this pipeline and by doing so stop a 40 per cent expansion of current tar sands production and 32 million tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions a year.
To read today’s joint media release, please click here.
For more on our campaign to stop the Energy East pipeline, please click here.