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WIN! Municipality of the District of Lunenburg becomes Blue Community (Atlantic Canada’s 1st)!!

In a Council meeting this morning, the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg on Nova Scotia’s beautiful South Shore became Atlantic Canada’s first Blue Community! The South Shore chapter was key in supporting the Council with more information etc., so a big congratulations to both the Municipality as well as the chapter for all of their work.

Photo, left to right: Michael Ernst, Martin Bell, Carolyn Bolivar-Getson, Cathy Moore, Trudy Payne (staff), Mayor Don Downe, Deputy Mayor Claudette Garland, Lee Nauss, Charlene Morton (member of the Council of Canadians South Shore chapter)

The Town of Lunenburg should not be confused with the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg (or MODL) or Lunenburg County. MODL comprises a large western section of Lunenburg County excluding the towns of Bridgewater, Mahone Bay and Lunenburg.

(From their website🙂

From Charlene Morton, South Shore chapter member who was persistent in seeing this through despite some snags along the way: “Councillor Michael Ernst spoke eloquently to the essence of the Project and to set aside some (repeated) concerns before everyone then voted (unanimously) to adopt the motion. 

“Two journalists from CKBW (local) ration station were there and asked for an interview with me after they finished speaking with Councillor Ernst.” The news report should be online by the end of the week and I will update this blog to include a link if possible.

Next on Charlene and the South Shore chapter’s radar is the Town of Bridgewater, who has already adopted 2 of the 3 resolutions. Will St. John’s beat them to the punch, to become Atlantic Canada’s second Blue Community? Stay tuned…

