Green Party leader Andrew Weaver.
The Council of Canadians is calling on the British Columbia Green Party leader Andrew Weaver to cooperate with the B.C. NDP to stop Liberal Premier Christy Clark’s water-intensive, environmentally-destructive extreme energy projects.
Her extreme energy agenda includes the 890,000 barrel per day Trans Mountain pipeline (that would produce 20 to 26 million tonnes of upstream greenhouse emissions a year), proposed liquefied natural gas projects like the Pacific NorthWest LNG terminal (that would produce 11.8 to 14 million tonnes of emissions a year), and the Site C hydroelectric dam (that would produce 150,000 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions each year).
While the final results will not be confirmed until May 24, at this point it would appear the Liberals won 43 seats, John Horgan’s NDP won 41 seats, and Weaver’s Green Party won 3 seats in the May 9 provincial election.
The Globe and Mail now reports, “Weaver has laid out three priorities he needs fulfilled before he will support either the Liberals or NDP after British Columbians appeared to elect a minority government this week.”
Those three priorities are:
1- campaign finance reform and a ban on union and corporate donations
2- a commitment to a proportional representation electoral system
3- official party status for the Greens (the rules say 4 seats are required, the Greens have 3 seats).
And yesterday Weaver commented, “I’m going to be hiring a chief of staff very soon and the first order of business will be for them to bring a team together to start discussions with both the BC NDP and the BC Liberals to see where we can move forward together. …We haven’t discussed coalition or minority. I suspect we’re probably not going to lean towards coalition. For us it’s important to have our party status, to be there representing British Columbians as BC Greens. We want to ensure good public policy is put forward, but again, everything’s on the table.”
While the Green Party has twice voted in support of Liberal budgets, Weaver has also denounced Clark’s agenda to develop the LNG sector and her approval of the Kinder Morgan pipeline. He has also described the Site C dam as “fiscally foolish, socially irresponsible and environmentally unsound”.
That said, Toronto Star columnist Thomas Walkom has commented, “For the Greens, this election wasn’t a referendum on pipelines. The NDP did promise to use every available legal remedy to stop the expansion of the Kinder Morgan heavy-oil pipeline from Alberta to Greater Vancouver. But while Weaver remains a vocal critic of Kinder Morgan, the word ‘pipeline’ does not appear in his party’s platform.”
To call on Weaver and Horgan to cooperate in the public interest by stopping Clark’s extreme energy agenda, please click here.
The Council of Canadians is a non-partisan organization that endorses no political party, but rather is committed to building a peoples’ movement capable of holding any government accountable to the public interest.