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Council of Canadians available for comment on TransCanada’s “Standing up for Oil” event in Toronto

Russ Girling of TransCanada and Brian Ferguson of Cenovus Energy will be delivering a presentation today to the Canadian Club of Toronto entitled “More to the Story: Standing up for Oil.” Andrea Harden-Donahue, energy and climate justice campaigner with the Council of Canadians, is available for comment on the negative consequences of rapid tar sands development and new pipeline projects such as Energy East.

“The tar sands destroy vast amounts of fresh water, are our fastest growing source of greenhouse gas emissions and are having direct and adverse impacts on the health and treaty rights of downstream First Nations,” said Andrea Harden-Donahue, energy and climate justice campaigner. “Expanding the tar sands means shipping dangerous diluted bitumen thousands of kilometres, risking the water supplies of communities along the route. TransCanada is trying to sell its Energy East pipeline as providing Western crude to Eastern Canadians, but most of it will be exported to more lucrative international markets. Energy East is all risk and no reward for Canadians.”

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