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ACTION ALERT: Join the ‘casseroles’ protests across Canada, May 29-30

Prairies organizing assistant Maria Marsh notes a article that highlights, “Wednesday night a huge ‘casseroles’ demonstration has been called for people across Canada to show solidarity with the Quebec movement. At 8:00 p.m., wherever you are, go outside with a pot and a metal implement and make some noise. Bonus points for meeting up with neighbours while doing it.” Council of Canadians activists are encouraged to participate in this event. The Facebook page for the event lists several cities where the Council of Canadians has chapters, including:

-London, ON: “So in London, Ont. we will be doing a cacerolazo tonight (Sunday) and perhaps Tuesday as well. Wednesday Maude Barlow of the Council of Canadians is speaking — so perhaps we should we step outside from that event with our pots & pans for 15 minutes.”

-Hamilton: Gore Park 8pm May 30

-Niagara/St Catherines May 30 7:30pm

-Toronto: Dufferin Grove Park (875 Dufferin St.) 8pm

-Ottawa (one day earlier May 29)

-Kamloops, BC: This will start 5pm May 30

-Kelowna, BC: At the Sails downtown 8pm

-Vancouver: Vancouver Art Gallery (at Hornby) May 30 8pm

-Victoria: Centennial Square, meet up May 30, 7pm

-Moncton, NB: Event info here

For more, go to the Facebook page at

The Council of Canadians now has a ‘red square’ on the front page of our website at

On May 19, the Montreal Gazette reported, “The Council of Canadians denounced (Bill 78), calling it undemocratic, unconstitutional and repressive. ‘Just days after a stinging indictment of the widespread repression that took place in Toronto during the G20 (summit), the Charest government in Quebec seems intent on outdoing the largest violation of civil liberties in Canadian history with its introduction of Bill 78,’ it wrote in a statement calling on its members and supporters to sign the petition against the legislation.” On May 22, Council activists (including Board member Abdul Pirani and political director Brent Patterson) marched with 250,000 people in Montreal – and later joined the march that defied Bill 78 by not submitting the route in advance to the police. CLASSE – Coalition large de l’Assocation pour une solidarité syndicale étudiante – described that march as “the single biggest act of civil disobedience in Canadian history”.

For more, click HERE.