Dear friends,
Nestle is trying to reverse London’s ban on the sale of bottled water on city property. They have written a letter to Mayor Joe Fontana requesting a reversal of the ban. The letter is on the agenda of the Community and Neighbourhoods Committee Meeting today at 4:15 pm (Tuesday, February 15th). Nestle will be presenting as a delegation.
For those in the London area, please write or call your councillor to tell them you still support the bottled water ban. Please attend the meeting and show the new C&N Committee that there is interest in the community about this topic. The public is not permitted to ask questions.
It was as a result of the bottled water ban in London that the Federation of Canadian Municipalities recommended that other municipalities take the same action. Bottled water bans have occurred in over 80 municipalities and numerous universities and colleges across Canada because it is the right thing to do. These cities and educational institutions recognize that water is a basic human right, not a commodity sold to the highest bidder. London has made a difference. Tell your councillors you want to keep bottled water banned!
See the agenda at:
Get your city councillor’s contact information from
To learn more about water issues go to or to
Members and non-members are welcome to attend our monthly meeting on Tuesday March 8.
We hope to see you on Tuesday March 8, 7PM
in the Literacy Room of the Central Library, Floor 2 LPL
Don McLeod
London Chapter
Council of Canadians
Email: info (a)
Web Site:
Please circulate this information to other residents of London.