Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug (KI) First Nation has launched a new website to advocate for their lands and environment issues. Please visit and take action at:
John Cutfeet, KI spokesperson, spoke at a major conference in Montreal, called Indignez-vous! Hope in Resistance, on October 21-22. John Cutfeet gave a compelling and inspiring presentation on the plenary panel called Communities Acting to Protect Our Water.
In 2008 KI Chief Donny Morris went to jail for refusing to allow mining exploration his community feared would contaminate their water supply. The remote First Nation community succeeded in fighting off mining exploration by Platinex, but now a gold exploration company has staked claims directly on top of sacred KI burials. Ontario continues to violate KI’s right to say ‘no’ to mining exploration on their Homeland.
KI First Nation has governed and cared for the Homeland, Kitchenuhmaykoosib Aaki, that is at the core of their culture since time before memory. This vast area of boreal lakes, rivers, forests, and wetlands provides KI’s pristine water supply, the lake trout the community rely upon, and their sacred landscape. KI has a vision for the future of their lands and environment that benefits both KI and all life.
Ontario must respect KI’s leadership by:
1. Respecting KI’s Right to Say No;
2. Recognizing and respecting KI’s Water Declaration which excludes all industry from the Big Trout Lake and Fawn River watersheds;
3. Respecting KI’s Indigenous laws.Kanaawayandan d’aaki!
Please take action to support KI at Please forward to your email lists, post on facebook and twitter, and get your organization to endorse and promote this action to their members.