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ACTION ALERT: Take action today to support C-311

An NDP media release this week notes that, “Canada’s climate change commitment will be tested this Wednesday when the Climate Change Accountability Act (Bill C-311) comes up for a do or die vote.”

Their release notes, “Despite temporarily wavering Liberal support that stalled C-311 in committee for much of 2009, the Bill has to date enjoyed the support of the majority of the House. C-311 was modelled on Bill C-377, which was introduced by New Democrat Leader Jack Layton in 2007. This bill was passed by the House of Commons in 2008 with the support of the Liberals and the Bloc, but died in the Senate when the election was called.”

The emission reduction targets in C-311 are consistent with the lower end of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change recommendations of 25 to 40 per cent emission reductions below 1990 levels by 2020.

As noted in our action alert by energy campaigner Andrea Harden-Donahue, “While the Council of Canadians climate justice campaign demands even deeper emission reductions (at least 40 per cent below 1990 levels by 2020), and we are disappointed that our government has not already committed to these targets, the Climate Change Accountability Act is the only climate legislation before the House of Commons.”

“Passing Bill C-311 is a necessary first step in establishing legal requirements for emission reductions, failing to pass this Bill will result in further delays, an unacceptable option.”

To take action, please go to our action alert ‘Support the Climate Change Accountability Act, Bill C-311, become law’ at