Maude Barlow was in Vancouver yesterday to celebrate the third anniversary of the Save the Fraser Declaration and to sign a solidarity accord of support for it.
The Canadian Press reports, “Northern Gateway opponents — led by the Interior Yinka Dene Alliance under the banner of the Save the Fraser, formed in 2010 to oppose oil pipelines through B.C. — said Thursday that they remain an ‘unbroken wall’ in the way of Northern Gateway and other oil-pipeline projects. …At a ceremony at Vancouver’s Hyatt Regency Hotel, the Yinka Dene unveiled a so-called accord of non-aboriginal support for their efforts, including environmental organizations David Suzuki Foundation and Greenpeace, the Council of Canadians, private-sector union Unifor and former federal environment minister David Anderson.”
The Sun News Network adds, “While (Natural Resources minister Joe) Oliver discussed the report (by Douglas Eyford on how the federal government can improve relations with First Nations in resource projects), Maude Barlow, chair of the Council of Canadians, (helped) launch a new Solidarity Accord – an extension of an existing declaration signed by more than 130 First Nations and other voices – in opposition to the Northern Gateway pipeline. ‘We recognize and respect First Nations’ decisions to ban tar sands pipelines and tankers from their territories,’ Barlow said.”
As explained by the Yinka Dene Alliance, “The Save the Fraser Declaration is an Indigenous law ban on tar sands pipelines through First Nations traditional territories in the Fraser River watershed – including the rivers flowing into the Fraser River like the Stuart, the Endako and the Salmon Rivers. It also bans tar sands oil tankers in the ocean migration routes of Fraser River salmon on the north and south coasts of British Columbia. It bans the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline and supertanker project, and all other similar projects, from the traditional territories of the Nations who have signed it. The Save the Fraser Declaration is an exercise of Indigenous law, Title, and Rights, and has status under First Nations law, Canadian law, and International law.”
Further reading
Barlow to celebrate Save the Fraser Declaration and opposition to Northern Gateway pipeline
Maude Barlow signs Solidarity Accord against the Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline