The Council of Canadians called on the Indigenous Services minister, the Environment minister (seen in this photo), the Prime Minister, and at least twelve other cabinet ministers early this morning to stop Kinder Morgan.
The Council of Canadians and allies called out to at least half of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s cabinet early this morning as they arrived on Parliament Hill for a 7:30 am cabinet meeting on the controversial 890,000 barrel per day Kinder Morgan pipeline.
Finance Minister Bill Morneau is now announcing that the federal government has come to an agreement with Texas-based Kinder Morgan – subject to the approval of Kinder Morgan shareholders – for the federal government to purchase the existing Trans Mountain pipeline and expansion infrastructure for $4.5 billion.
There are outstanding questions about how much more money the federal government will spend on the construction of the pipeline that it says will begin this summer, as well as legal, indemnification and likely clean-up costs.
Now it’s your turn – please contact your MP right away and tell them that you strongly oppose this fossil fuel subsidy, this violation of Indigenous rights, this endangerment of waterways, the building of this pipeline, and all the resulting carbon emissions.
For contact information on your MP, please click here.