Libby Carlaw (second from right) with Maude Barlow and the Centre Wellington Chapter.
Our very own Centre Wellington chapter member Libby Carlaw has received an award of great distinction – “Citizen of the Year” for the township located 100 km west of Toronto.
The Wellington Advertiser reports: “…Mayor Kelly Linton presented to Carlaw the township’s Citizen of the Year award and congratulations on behalf of the municipality…. “it is people like you who help make our community great.” …Carlaw who received several letters of support for the award from the local community, appeared to be in shock with the surprise presentation.”
The article continues…“I’m really rather floored,” she said, adding she “certainly could not have done this without all the people who allowed me to volunteer with them, and the people I get to work with on a regular basis. I really appreciate this and am very honoured.”
Carlaw’s nomination included several letters of support outlining her involvement in the community.
Maddy Smith wrote of Carlaw’s efforts following Nestle Waters’ proposal to purchase and pump water from the Middlebrook well west of Elora.
“Instead of sitting on the sidelines of the struggle for water protection in our community Libby is actively involved with the Save Our Water group (a group of community members working to prevent the renewal of the water taking permit).”
Elora resident Jan Beveridge stated, “I have known Libby for a long time from her dedicated involvement in many community endeavours. I came to know Libby best, however, from working closely with her on the Save Our Water committee.” Beveridge added, “This is a cause close to Libby’s heart. Her family members have lived in the area and been stewards of the land over many generations. Libby has put her heart and soul into continuing this stewardship.”
Beveridge said “Libby’s goal of ‘painting the Township of Centre Wellington blue’ by raising awareness of the unacknowledged value and fragile nature of our rivers and aquifers, has been realized. She has made a true and important difference to the community, is most deserving of the Citizen-of the Year honour….”
We couldn’t agree more!
Dedicated community activists like Libby can be found in all of our more than 60 volunteer chapters across Canada. They are absolutely central to our work and some of the finest people you could ever hope to meet.
For more information about the Centre Wellington chapter:
For more information on the fight against Nestle’s bottled water expansion plans in Centre Wellington: