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Chilliwack chapter to co-host provincial all-candidates meeting on World Water Day

The Council of Canadians Chilliwack chapter will be co-hosting a provincial election all-candidates meeting on World Water Day.

The promotion for the event says, “In honour of the United Nations World Water Day we are co-hosting the first all-candidates meeting of the upcoming BC Provincial General Election for the ridings of Chilliwack and Chilliwack-Kent. The WaterWealth Project, the Chilliwack Chapter of the Council of Canadians, The Canadian Fresh Water Alliance and Friends of the Camp/Hope Slough are organizing this opportunity for us to explore some of the issues concerning water together.”

And it adds, “We are very pleased that two highly respected local indigenous leaders have agreed to co-moderate the event. Shirley Ann Hardman is the Senior Advisor on Indigenous Affairs, Office of the Vice Provost, University of the Fraser Valley. Larry Commodore is a former Soowahlie Chief, and a community advisor to the WaterWealth Project.”

As noted on the Elections BC website, the election is scheduled to be officially called on April 11 with voting taking place on May 9.

One issue that could come up at the all-candidates meeting is Nestle bottled water-takings and the 890,000 barrel per day Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain pipeline. WaterWealth recently reported, “Nestle asked for and got a route change to move the new pipeline further from their wells. The old pipe may also get moved in that section. Chilliwack residents have been asking for the route to be moved off the aquifer we get our water from. Does Nestle have some pull that we don’t?”

Yesterday, a market-based poll projected that the Liberals would win 42 seats on election night, that the NDP would win 40, and the Green Party 5 seats.

And while the undecided vote is high at 25 per cent, the CBC has reported, “The NDP has been polling at between 37 and 39 per cent over the last three polls, compared to a range of 33 to 37 per cent for the Liberals, 13 to 17 per cent for the Greens and 10 to 13 per cent for the B.C. Conservatives.”
