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Council of Canadians backs #bannukes signing ceremony, Sept. 20

The Council of Canadians is endorsing and mobilizing for a national day of action in support of a ban on nuclear weapons.

On August 19, 2016, the Trudeau government voted against the adoption of a United Nations report that recommended negotiations for a global treaty banning nuclear weapons begin in 2017. Despite Canada’s vote, the report was passed 68 to 22 and the talks began in March 2017. On July 7 of this year, more than 120 countries voted to adopt the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. This coming September 20, heads of state, foreign ministers and other representatives of governments will sign the historic treaty at the UN headquarters in New York City.

The treaty is a multilateral legally-binding instrument that prohibits a full range of nuclear-weapon-related activities, such as undertaking to develop, test, produce, manufacture, acquire, possess or stockpile nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices, as well as the use or threat of use of these weapons.

The Facebook promotion for the upcoming day of action highlights, “Justin Trudeau says he won’t sign the new Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons when it opens for signature at the United Nations on September 20 – but we sure can!”

In Ottawa,, Pacifi, Public Response, Canadian Voice of Women for Peace, and Physicians for Global Survival are organizing a “Citizen Signing Ceremony” on Parliament Hill (on Wednesday September 20 starting at 12:15 pm) where everyone is invited to sign a giant copy of the treaty.

Similar ceremonies are also being planned for Halifax, Toronto and Victoria.

The Council of Canadians has also signed a Call circulated by the Canadian Network to Abolish Nuclear Weapons in support of the United Nations treaty that will be forwarded to the Prime Minister, key parliamentarians and officials.

Further reading
Trudeau government votes against UN negotiations on a nuclear weapons ban (August 30, 2016)