Every year, Council of Canadians chapter activists gather for regional meetings to see each other, share ideas, learn, and connect with our Board members and political staff. It is also a vital time for us to be hearing directly from our grassroots base across the country about their priorities and the issues they are encountering as we draft our political plan and budget for the coming year.
As always, I look forward to participating in all of the regional meetings. They will be taking place on:
April 4-6 in Saint John, New Brunswick
April 11-13 in Vancouver, British Columbia
April 25-27 in Regina, Saskatchewan
May 2-4 in Toronto, Ontario
The organizing team is in the process now of consulting with chapter activists on the draft agendas for these meetings. We’re also in the midst of determining which campaigners will be joining me to listen and present at these meetings. More on that soon.
I’m also hoping, as someone who lives and works in Ottawa, that there will be the opportunity in these travels for me to deepen my understanding of shared concerns that we as a national organization are working with in collaboration with local activists. Those issue include coal port expansions in British Columbia, uranium mining in Saskatchewan, the threats being faced by the St. Lawrence River in Ontario and Quebec, and the Energy East pipeline in New Brunswick.
After the four regional meetings we’ll organize this spring, chapter activists will gather again for a national meet-up, known as our chapter caucus day, during our annual general meeting on October 3-5 in Hamilton, Ontario.
Chapter activists can find out much more about the upcoming regional meetings from our organizing team staff, so please do be in touch with them. And if you’re a Council of Canadians supporter, please consider joining a chapter!