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The Council planning Parliament Hill rally on May 22 vs indemnity for Kinder Morgan pipeline

The Council of Canadians is planning a large rally against the Trudeau government’s promise to indemnify Texas-based Kinder Morgan’s controversial pipeline.

Earlier this week, CBC reported, “Canada is willing to write Kinder Morgan — or anyone else who steps up to the plate — a cheque to ensure the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion gets built despite British Columbia’s opposition, Finance Minister Bill Morneau said Wednesday. Morneau said the federal government is willing to compensate the pipeline’s backers for any financial loss due to British Columbia’s attempts to obstruct the company’s Trans Mountain pipeline expansion. …Kinder Morgan has threatened to abandon the project if a clear path forward isn’t reached by May 31.”

That article adds, “Morneau wouldn’t say if there’s a limit to how much the government is willing to spend to compensate the pipeline’s backer.”

BNN Bloomberg has previously reported former TransCanada chief executive officer Hal Kvisle commenting, ”The only way [the Trans Mountain expansion project] could go ahead is if the government was to indemnify Kinder Morgan against a failed project halfway through… That’s a $10 billion dollar indemnity…”

Council of Canadians campaigner Andrea Harden-Donahue says, “This is a giant blank cheque to a Texas-based oil company, breaking the promise to phase out fossil fuel subsidies. Join us May 22nd, 5:00pm on Parliament Hill to send a loud message to Minister Morneau and the Trudeau government that this is unacceptable!”

The speakers at the rally will include:

Chief Robert Chamberlin (live from BC, unceded Indigenous territory)

Jagmeet Singh, Leader of the NDP

Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party

Maude Barlow, Honorary Chairperson, Council of Canadians

Territorial welcome from Elder Verna McGregor, Algonquin Community of Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg

After Morneau’s announcement, Grand Chief Phillip stated, “Canada cannot indemnify against the risks of not respecting Indigenous Title and Rights.” Singh tweeted, “Rigged process, First Nations and local communities shut out, oil spill threats, science ignored and now billions on the line. It’s clear this pipeline should not be built.” And May stated that the promise of indemnification is a “spectacular violation” of the Liberal election promise to phase out subsidies to the fossil fuel industry.

The Council of Canadians has been opposing the Kinder Morgan pipeline since August 2011 by participating in marches and civil disobedience actions, supporting chapter activism, circulating petitions and more.

For more information about our rally on the front steps of Parliament Hill on May 22, please see this Facebook event page.

The Council of Canadians will also be supporting the Warrior Up Walk Out on May 23. The promotion for that notes, “On May 23rd at 2 pm, high school and other youth across the country will walk out of class, sending a clear message to Trudeau (the self-proclaimed Youth Minister) that our land, climate and water and future are more important to us than this dangerous pipeline that does not have Indigenous consent.”

And the Council of Canadians Montreal chapter will be participating in the Rassemblement contre Kinder Morgan à Montréal on May 27. That outreach notes, “Sunday May 27th, from 1:30pm to 3:30pm First Nations, artists, environmental organizations, citizens and many more will gather to say NO to Kinder Morgan’s pipeline project.”

To add your name to our online petition – Back off Trudeau, respect Indigenous rights and BC’s no to Kinder Morgan – please click here.