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Council to protest the G8 foreign ministers meeting

The Toronto Sun reports on today’s media conference about the upcoming protest against the G8 foreign ministers meeting in Gatineau on March 29-30.

The Sun reports, “Dylan Penner, a spokesman with the Council of Canadians, said they protest the global economic leaders’ meetings whenever they can because it’s a ‘fundamentally undemocratic institution’ that is a ‘barrier’ to social, economic, and environmental ‘justice’.”

“Penner said Monday’s (protest against the G8 foreign ministers meeting) is expected to be ‘family-friendly’.”

“Penner (also) said before large (G8 and G20) protests get underway in Huntsville and Toronto, he wants the government to promise it won’t (use agent provocateurs) again (as it did in Montebello in 2007).”

The foreign ministers of France, the United States, the United Kingdom, Russia, Germany, Japan, and Italy, as well as representatives of the European Union will be present for the meeting.

Canadian foreign affairs minister Lawrence Cannon has said the meeting will discuss nuclear proliferation in Iran and North Korea, global security, the stability of Pakistan and Afghanistan, and international drug trafficking.

The ministerial is intended to inform the agenda of the G8 and G20 summit on June 25-27. The Council of Canadians is calling for trade, climate and water justice in opposition to the G8/G20 ‘business as usual’ agenda.

More on the foreign ministers meeting at

Today’s article is at