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Fair trade activists go looking for the TPP in San Francisco

On June 25, a group of fair trade activists went hotel-hopping in downtown San Francisco looking for another quiet mini-round of Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations. According to Global Exchange, which coordinated the action, “They didn’t find them, but lots of people learned about this massive Free Trade Agreement.” The video below captures all the action.

The TPP is an economic integration pact being negotiated by 11 countries, including Canada, Australia, Vietnam, Peru and others, but led by the United States. The San Francisco meeting, which was barely mentioned by any TPP government, was a so-called inter-sessional (not full) round, much like another quiet session on investment protection that took place somewhere in Vancouver last month. U.S. and Canadian fair trade activists also tried unsuccessfully to find those talks.

The next full set of TPP talks happen in Malaysia this month with reports continuing to suggest Vancouver will host the following negotiating session at the very end of August and into September.
