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Ignatieff now says Quebec user fee violates Canada Health Act

In early-April, Premier Jean Charest proposed the implementation of a $25 user fee for each visit to a doctor in Quebec.

The Canadian Press reported, “Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff (has already) signalled his support (for Charest’s plan). ‘In our opinion, what counts is maintaining universality of access to the system. We believe, and it’s a question of detail, that Quebec’s propositions conform to the Canada Health Act.’”

Today, the Globe and Mail reports that Ignatieff has had to clarify his position due to discontent within the Liberal caucus and that he now says he is opposed to the user fee.

Jane Taber reports, “Insiders say it was a big topic in the Ontario caucus that precedes the national caucus.”

Our campaign blog on Charest’s plan for health care user fees in Quebec is at