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Kamloops chapter organizes 42nd annual Walk for Peace, Social Justice & the Environment

Chapter activist Anita Strong speaking at the 2015 Walk for Peace.

The Council of Canadians Kamloops chapter is planning the 42nd annual walk for peace in their city on Saturday May 6.

The chapter has hosted the peace walk for the past eighteen years.

Kamloops This Week reports, “Anita Strong hopes recent world events will encourage more people to add their voice to a message on the streets of Kamloops this weekend. ‘What we’re asking the world to do is to speak up for peace, social justice and the environment’, said Strong, chairperson for the local chapter of the Council of Canadians. Calling it the longest running annual peace walk in Canada, she said about 200 people participate in the Kamloops Walk for Peace, the Environment and Social Justice each year.”

The article adds, “Saturday’s event kicks off at about 10:30 a.m. in the former Stuart Wood elementary playground, next to the farmers’ market. It starts with music and speakers, with the walk following at 12:30 p.m. A children’s table, facepainting and youth speakers and artists will be featured to engage a younger audience.”

Strong notes that many of those involved in the march are people who lived through the 1960s and 1970s. She says, “The greatest fear of anybody was that someone would push the button. There were youth involved then, maybe the majority of them. We’re hoping we can strike a chord with what youth are thinking now.”

For more details on this, please see the Facebook page for the ‘Kamloops Walk for Peace, Social Justice & Environment’ here.