Community leaders Denise Melanson (Acadian), Serena Francis (Mi’kmaw), and Debbie Hopper (Anglo-Settler) introducing the film night. Denise and Debbie are chapter activists, Serena is a founding member of Kopit Lodge.
The Council of Canadians Kent County chapter screened ‘This Changes Everything’ last night.
Chapter activist Ann Pohl tells us that about 50 people were at the screening and that it prompted good conversation about courage, hope and the inspiration to act. As noted on the film’s website, “The film presents seven powerful portraits of communities on the front lines, from Montana’s Powder River Basin to the Alberta Tar Sands, from the coast of South India to Beijing and beyond. Interwoven with these stories of struggle is Naomi Klein’s narration, connecting the carbon in the air with the economic system that put it there. Throughout the film, Klein builds to her most controversial and exciting idea: that we can seize the existential crisis of climate change to transform our failed economic system into something radically better.”
To date, more than 3,790 people have gone to chapter-organized screenings of the film across the country.

People gathered for the film screening last night.
Pohl adds, “At the event, we also promoted an upcoming project that is supported by Kopit Lodge at Elsipogtog First Nation, as well as our chapter: to create a ‘Forum Theatre of the Oppressed’ production about what we went through in the fight against the frackers, but setting the plot in the fight for the forest.”
Kopit Lodge is a media, warrior and community headquarters located on the Elsipogtog First Nation. Their motto is ‘working together to protect the water’. In the Mi’kmaq language, ‘kopit’ means ‘beaver’ and is pronounced ‘Go-Bit’. Their Facebook page notes, “Here in Elsipogtog and beyond, Kopit Lodge members will be trained on how to fight to protect our waters peacefully.”
The brochure for their upcoming project notes, “From 2010 on, especially in 2013, many of us stuck our necks way out there to protect our health, families, communities, neighbours, water, land, and the entire region of Sikniktuk/Kent County NB from The Frackers. We were lied to, tricked and deceived by so-called democratic government. We were invaded by the RCMP and Irving’s security force, as well as agents provocateurs. The state turning with force against us reopened deep wounds and scars for the Mi’kmaq and Acadians, while it stunned Anglo-Settlers and Newcomers. But, our love of our land, water, and communities meant we were all together, shoulder-to-shoulder.”
It continues, “We got hurt, arrested, terrorized, enraged, sued for damages, publicly shamed and belittled, thrown in jail, denied basic rights while in jail, put under terrible court conditions. Many of us still have nightmares. Some of us got so alarmed by the injunction, law suit, and criminal charges we went home, slammed the door, and are still afraid to go out and even attend meetings. We have to push through all that hurt because it ain’t over. Our beloved homeland is still considered a ‘Sacrifice Zone’ by major resource extraction companies. They want our trees, medicine plants, fish, land, water, minerals, and anything else.”
To read more about the workshops they are planning – which will include sculpting, image theatre, skits and discussion – please click here.