The Michigan Messenger reports, “For the last 18 years environmental groups in Michigan have been warning that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has weakened or ignored safety rules in order to allow the (40-year-old) Palisades nuclear power plant (on the shore of Lake Michigan) to keep operating, and a new (Associated Press series published last week) seems to support that contention.”
Kevin Kamps of Beyond Nuclear says, “Palisades is an accident waiting to happen because of deferred maintenance.” Michael Keegan of the Coalition for a Nuclear-Free Great Lakes says Palisades has been out of compliance for decades.
“On Tuesday (July 5) the legislature will hear testimony on safety issues at Michigan’s three nuclear power plants during a joint meeting of the House Energy and Technology and Military and Veterans Affairs and Homeland Security Committees.” Energy activist Kay Cumbow says, “As many of the concerned public who are able, should attend this meeting to let these committee members know that Michigan citizens are very concerned about safety issues that present with these aging, problem-ridden reactors…and expect the Michigan legislators to take action to protect the public.”
The Council of Canadians is calling for the Great Lakes to be recognized as a commons, public trust and protected bio-region.
The full article is at