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NEWS: Calgary city council to vote on water fluoridation, Feb. 7

The Calgary Sun reports that, “Fluoride-infused water could soon be history in Calgary after a city committee voted Wednesday to remove it from people’s taps. But council still needs to have a final say before it halts the flow. After several hours of hearing evidence from both sides of the controversial debate, the city’s Utilities and Environment committee voted 5-1 to exclude fluoride from Calgary’s water supply.”

“More than 40 people made their case before the committee… The majority who spoke called for the removal of fluoride from the city’s water supply while medical practitioners who addressed the committee cautioned against it.” The Calgary chapter of the Council of Canadians was one of the groups last night that made deputations against the fluoridation of the city’s drinking water.

“The matter is expected to come before council on Feb. 7…”

The full article is at A past campaign blog on fluoride in drinking water across Canada can be read at We may begin to see more of this issue. Just this past fall, the city of Waterloo voted to remove fluoride from their drinking water. That’s at