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NEWS: Canada-China FIPA to be voted on in the House of Commons on April 23

UPDATED: Monday, April 22 at 6:40 p.m. EST, the NDP will ask Parliament to stop the Canada-China Foreign Investment Protection and Promotion Agreement (FIPA) from becoming law. Use the form here to send a letter to MPs demanding they support the motion when it comes for a vote in the House of Commons.

Yahoo News reports, “On Thursday, the NDP introduced a motion urging the government to inform China that it will not ratify the (Canada-China Foreigen Investment Promotion and Protection) agreement in its current form. …Left-leaning organizations, such as Leadnow and the Council of Canadians, are asking the public to contact their MPs to encourage them to vote with the NDP. …So, far at the Leadnow website, the ‘massive public outcry’ includes 18,204 names on a petition.”

The motion, which is to be voted on in the House of Commons this coming Tuesday, says, “That, in the opinion of this House, the government should inform the Government of the People’s Republic of China, that it will not ratify the Canada-China Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement.” To respond to our ‘ACTION ALERT: Put a stop to the Canada-China FIPA! Tell your MP to vote YES in Parliament’, please go to

In terms of the other opposition parties, the Vancouver Observer notes, “The Liberals have said they want to work with the current FIPA, and review it with public hearings across the country, rather than kill the agreement altogether.” Yesterday, Green Party leader Elizabeth May Tweeted, “Agree we should (oppose FIPA), but we might get CPC MPs voting with us for hearings. We shld try.”

Meanwhile, Comox Valley chapter activist Kathie Woodley writes in Postmedia’s Comox Valley News, “In January, 2013, the Hupacasath First Nation of BC filed a challenge in court to stop the ratification of FIPA until the government has fulfilled its obligation to consult with First Nations about the impacts the treaty will have on their rights and their lands. The Council of Canadians believes that no investment treaty since NAFTA poses a greater threat to the environment, public health, First Nations and basic notions of democracy. If the FIPA is ratified, China-based corporations will be able to directly challenge local, provincial and federal policies that interfere with their ‘right’ to make a profit from energy, mining or other controversial projects. The Council has undertaken to help raise public donations to pay for legal costs and will match all donations in their effort to raise at least $10,000 before the court challenge moves ahead. At our recent AGM, donations were collected to support this important court challenge.”

Woodley adds in her letter, “If you are interested in donating, please visit”

For more, please read:
NEWS: Grewal speaks at Canada-China FIPA legal challenge media conference
UPDATE: The Council of Canadians working to stop the Canada-China FIPA
NEWS: First Nations file legal challenge against Canada-China FIPA