On February 11, Calgary chapter activist Ted Woynillowicz attended a standing-room-only community meeting on Kaiser Petroleum’s plan to drill for oil in the community of Royal Oak, which is located within Calgary city limits. Woynillowicz wrote, “The place was packed and the anger was palpable. Not one audience member supported the plans. I was the second speaker/questioner and provided the Council’s position on facking.”
CTV reported at that time on what appeared to be a done deal, “The Energy Resource Conservation Board (ERCB) has already granted Kaiser Petroleum a permit to drill on a site along 85 St. NW. … Kaiser intends to start drilling in June.”
But that picture changed last week. CBC reported, “A tiny sliver of hope has emerged for residents in Royal Oak and Rocky Ridge fighting the construction of a sweet oil well in their community. Kaiser Explorations says it already has the approval to drill an oil well in Calgary’s northwest, but has suspended its plans for now while Alberta’s Energy Resources Conservation Board (ERCB) reviews residents’ concerns.” If the ERCB does not approve the license, then Kaiser cannot drill. If the ERCB approves the project, Kaiser will proceed with the construction of the well. “But for now, Kaiser said it will not start construction until either the review comes back from the ERCB or late June — whichever comes later.”