Quebec Environment Minister Daniel Breton
The Globe and Mail reports, “Quebec’s Environment Minister says the province could block (the Enbridge) project to transport Alberta oil through Quebec if it is found to pose a serious environmental hazard. …’What I see is Alberta wanting to transport its oil on our territory without our consent,’ Daniel Breton said. …Mr. Breton said that environmental concerns in Nebraska over the construction of a pipeline have stalled efforts by Alberta and Ottawa to export crude from the oil sands to the United States. And there’s similar opposition to the construction of a pipeline through British Columbia to export Alberta oil to Asian markets. ‘Before they come east, we want a say over the matter,’ Mr. Breton said.”
The article also notes, “Natural Resources Minister Martine Ouellet said, ‘There are economic advantages with respect to costs and it also represents an alternate source of supply. But we also have to examine the environmental impact. What kind of oil will be transported in the pipeline? Is it light crude? Will it be conventional oil or not? We are still waiting for answers,’ she said.”
The news report concludes, “Quebec said it will also undertake public consultations of its own but has yet to define the type of environmental review process it will initiate.”
Toronto’s NOW magazine reports, “Besides the Alberta tar sands damaging effect on Ontario’s economy, we now face the possibility that hazardous tar sands crude could run through Toronto via Enbridge’s Finch Avenue Line 9 pipeline, which would be reversed to carry oil from Sarnia to Montreal. Tar Sands Come To Ontario, a daylong meet, features Maude Barlow of the Council of Canadians, Art Sterritt of the BC Coastal First Nations, Albert Koehl of EcoJustice and several more. Saturday (November 17), 10 am to 5 pm. $5 sugg. U of T Sidney Smith Hall, 100 St. George.”
Council of Canadians campaign blogs referencing Line 9 can be read at http://canadians.org/blog/?s=%22line+9%22.