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NEWS: Tabuns notes Council petition against nuclear shipments in Queen’s Park debate

Peter Tabuns

Peter Tabuns

The Sarnia Observer reports, “Bruce Power suspended plans to ship radioactive waste through the Great Lakes to prevent it becoming an issue in this fall’s provincial election, says Ontario NDP environment critic (Toronto-Danforth MPP) Peter Tabuns. The company said May 6 it would be withdrawing an application before the U.S. government to ship 16 steam generators to Sweden for recycling. ‘This issue is very hot, there’s an election coming up,’ Tabuns said. ‘(Bruce Power) has probably been asked to put it on the backburner to reduce the heat on the government.’ Tabuns pursued the issue during question period at Queen’s Park Wednesday. He asked the Ontario government to follow its counterparts in the U.S. and demand an environmental assessment on the plan.”

In Queen’s Park yesterday, Tabuns said, “Over 96,000 people have signed a Council of Canadians petition urging the government of Ontario to stop the shipment of nuclear waste. Steam generator radioactivity levels are 50 times above the legal shipping limits. The shipment poses a serious threat to drinking water in the Great Lakes. …Why is the government of Ontario not requiring an environmental assessment of this plan before allowing Bruce Power to transport radioactive steam generators on Ontario roads?”

Previously, Tabuns has stated in a legislative debate, “In the end, it’s on (the minister of energy’s) hands, on his shoulders, on his head that this was allowed to go forward, and even now, not using the power of the Minister of Transportation to refuse transportation permits. The Minister of the Environment could demand an environmental assessment, not just the CNSC doing their little side show for this province. The Quebec Minister of the Environment has publicly opposed the shipment. When will this government take on its responsibility, stop passing the buck to the feds and act?”

The Sarnia Observer also notes, “Ultimately, he wants the plan killed, (Tabuns) said. ‘The radioactive waste should be left in storage, not shipped across the Great Lakes. It’s as simple as that.’ The Ontario Liberals and Conservatives have been hesitant to discuss the plan, insisting the regulation of nuclear waste is a federal matter. But the waste is Ontario’s problem, Tabuns said. ‘The government cannot credibly say this is not something in their jurisdiction. It’s just not the case.'”

The provincial election in Ontario is on October 6.

To add your name to the Council of Canadians petition (signed by 98,211 as of this morning), please go to To read the Sarnia Observer article, go to