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NEWS: Thousands object to the installation of smart meters in BC

CBC reports that BC Hydro has confirmed it will not install smart meters without the permission of the 85,000 people who have refused the new meters. “All of the meters were supposed to be installed by the end of last year, but thousands of customers objected, citing health, safety and privacy concerns.”

“The delay will likely mean nobody will have a smart meter forced upon them before the upcoming provincial election in May, but it is not clear what is BC Hydro’s long term plan for the hold-outs. Previously, Hydro has said all customers will have to have the meters installed because the system won’t work if people opt out. …BC Hydro’s new position comes after the NDP opposition called on the government to clarify its stance on the program, following some statements by Energy Minister Rich Coleman last week that indicated it was backing down on the mandatory installations.”

“(NDP energy critic John) Horgan is also reiterating an NDP promise to ask the B.C. Utilities Commission to take the entire billion-dollar smart meter program to the B.C. Utilities Commission for analysis if the party wins the May provincial election, something the Liberals have refused to do. ‘The smart meter initiative — a billion-dollar expenditure — has been rife with discord from the beginning, and the independent utilities commission has been barred from overseeing the process,’ said Horgan.”

The Canadian Office and Professional Employees Union, the union representing meter readers at BC Hydro, has campaigned to ensure a transition plan for those who will lose their jobs because of the meters. COPE has also noted that some jurisdictions have experienced higher electricity rates through time-of-use billing with smart meters. Additionally, the Union of B.C. Municipalities has passed a resolution calling for a moratorium on the installation of smart meters due to health and privacy concerns. Some municipal councils – including Maple Ridge and Cumberland – have supported the optional refusal of meter installations.

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