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NEWS: Why Maryam Adrangi will be protesting with Occupy Toronto

The Toronto Star, the country’s largest circulation newspaper, reports on why Council of Canadians organizing assistant Maryam Adrangi will be participating in Occupy Toronto:

Maryam Adrangi, 25, University of Toronto student who works with Council of Canadians.

“I think this is a really great opportunity to build and foster a culture of resistance.”

“I think there’s a lot of things to protest against and I think there are a lot of issues why people are here. Whether it be education and tuition fee hikes, militarization … I think what’s important is that everyone coming together is coming to say there are a lot of things we say ‘no’ to. But we come together to demand a ‘yes’ to one thing, and that’s justice.”

“For me it’s justice, but who’s to say what it is for 99 per cent of the people? I think (it’s) 99 per cent of people coming together to make various demands. An overarching banner? It’s hard to say. Maybe the overarching banner is that we’re all together and we’re all united.”

“How can economic justice not be connected to indigenous sovereignty? Not be connected to environmental justice? Not be connected to peace? Not be connected to militarization? Not be connected to colonialism?”

The full article is at–voices-from-occupyto-why-they-re-protesting.