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People’s Assemblies on Climate Justice: Report back and updates available

The Council of Canadians – joined by the Indigenous Environmental Network, KAIROS and the Canadian Youth Climate Coalition – issued a call to action for People’s Assemblies on Climate Justice (PACJ) during the Cancun climate talks.

PACJ is a model of organizing that can help transform awareness into local action by invigorating ongoing and new climate justice actions in your community.

Fourteen assemblies were held across the country in Charlottetown, Halifax, Saint John, Brockville, London, Toronto, Peterborough, Windsor, Saskatoon, Regina, Edmonton, Calgary, Vancouver and Victoria.

These assemblies were an important space to discuss demands, commitments and visions for how things could be different and have led to ongoing organizing for climate justice.

You can read about the assemblies in a new report-back document the Council has prepared. Based on comments submitted by assembly organizers, the report-back provides event highlights, organizing tips and key outcomes.

You can read about the assemblies here: Report-back: People’s Assemblies on Climate Justice during the Cancun climate negotiations.

The Council of Canadians is encouraging the ongoing use of this model to mobilize for climate justice across Canada. We have updated our website and accompanying resources including the call to action, organizing a PACJ, examples of local climate justice actions and template poster.