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This election make water a priority

Make water a priority in British Columbia’s October election

With the election approaching on October 19, we need to make clear to all candidates for provincial office that safeguarding clean drinking water must be a top priority for the next government.

At a time when fires are raging across western Canada and many regions in BC face water restrictions as drought conditions worsen, it’s time for politicians to stop taking water for granted.

We’ve developed an election pledge to build our movement of people who intend to vote for a candidate in their riding that puts water protection, ecosystem health and community wellbeing before corporate profits.

Will you add your name and make water an election issue that can’t be ignored?

Large corporations in sectors like oil and gas, logging, mining and real estate development act like fresh water supplies are infinite, and many politicians hold the same view.

A recent report from shows that oil and gas producers are using growing quantities of fresh water for fracking operations in northeastern BC in the midst of a serious drought in the Peace region. Polluted by toxic chemicals, this water is permanently removed from the water cycle.

Instead of protecting our precious freshwater resources, corporations and their allies in government are polluting water to expand an industry that’s driving the climate crisis. In the wake of the Jasper fire, the folly of this plan is all too clear.

It’s time for a paradigm shift in our relationship to water in this province.

We need elected officials who understand that the future of fresh water depends on greater community control of our watersheds. We need better monitoring of our aquifers so that water use decisions are rooted in actual data rather than industry claims.

And we need stronger enforcement of the Water Sustainability Act to reinforce Indigenous rights and title and reign in abuses by corporate polluters.

Now’s the time to make fresh water an election issue that can’t be ignored. 


David Ravensbergen

David is the Pacific Regional Organizer for the Council of Canadians.
