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Pre-marked ballots raising concerns

UPDATE: Through VoteWatch we have received five new reports of pre-marked ballots, in addition to those originally listed here, bringing the total number of ridings reporting pre-marked ballots to 16. The five new reports have been added to the list below. To our knowledge, the voters who have made these reports have not indicated being unable to vote for the candidate of their choice as a result of these issues – several have mentioned they requested and received replacement ballots. Thus far, half of the reports have originated in British Columbia.

Concerns have been raised in a number of ridings by people going to vote, only to find their ballots have been pre-marked.


As of this writing, there have been reports of ballot’s pre-marked in at least 16 ridings. At least 11 of these were reportedly pre-marked for the local Conservative candidate. In one riding the voter reports they had to try twice to get an unmarked ballot (one try was marked for the Green Party candidate, another try was pre-marked for the Conservative candidate). Details are unavailable so far about which party the ballots were pre-marked for in the remaining five ridings. Thus far, there have been no reports of any ballots pre-marked next to the local Liberal candidate. Only one report mentioned a ballot pre-marked next to the NDP candidate, but that ballot also had a mark next to the Conservative candidate.


Included here is the list of reports that we’re aware of so far. We’ll update the list if and when were hear any additional reports.

  1. Vancouver Quadra (BC): Voter reported a black streak on their ballot next to the circle for the Conservative candidate.

  2. North Island–Powell River (BC): To Be Determined which candidate the ballot was pre-marked for. Reported through VoteWatch.

  3. Peterborough-Kawartha (ON): “X marked beside the name of the Conservative candidate for the area.”

  4. Cumberland—Colchester (BC): Report did not indicate which candidate(s) on the ballot already had a mark next to their name(s).

  5. Kitchener-Centre (ON): Voter reported their ballot was pre-marked for the Conservative candidate. 

  6. Fredericton (NB): Report did not indicate which candidate(s) on the ballot already had a mark next to their name(s).

  7. Kelowna–Lake Country (BC): Voter reported a family friend received a ballot pre-marked for the Conservative candidate.

  8. Charleswood–St. James–Assiniboia–Headingley (MB): Report indicates a voter noticed a small mark on their ballot in the circle next to Conservative MP Steven Fletcher’s name. “As a result, those working at the station today pulled 12 printed ballot books, and are waiting for new ones to be sent.”

  9. Toronto (ON): Black ink was reportedly smeared on one of the circles, unclear for which candidate. Riding to be confirmed.

  10. Vancouver – Point Grey (BC): Voter had to try twice to get a ballot that wasn’t pre-marked. One of the ballots was pre-marked for the Conservative candidate and the other was pre-marked for the Green Party candidate.

  11. Richmond Centre (BC): Report indicates the ballot was pre-marked for the Conservative candidate.

  12. Surrey Centre (BC): Report indicates the ballot was pre-marked for the Conservative candidate. Reported through VoteWatch.

  13. Burnaby–New Westminster (BC): Report did not indicate which candidate or candidates on the ballot already had a mark next to their name(s). Reported through VoteWatch.

  14. Edmonton Centre (AB): Report indicates the ballot was marked in two of the white circles (for the Conservative and NDP candidates). Reported through VoteWatch

  15. Burnaby North–Seymour (BC): Report indicates there was a photocopied ball-point pen mark over the name of the Conservative Candidate. The voter requested and received a another ballot, but the same mark was on all the ballots in the sheet. Reported through VoteWatch.

  16. Hastings–Lennox and Addington (ON): Report indicates the ballot had a mark over the Conservative candidate’s name (a carbon copy of the initials on the reverse side).  When the voter requested a new ballot, every ballot in that block had the same mark. Reported through VoteWatch.

If you have witnessed or experienced any pre-marked ballots, or any potential election fraud (including people being unable to vote because of identification restrictions), please report it to VoteWatch as well as Elections Canada.