Council of Canadians Sudbury chapter activist Glenn Murray has written Nickel Belt Liberal MP Marc Serré to express his disappointment that the Trudeau government has abandoned its election promise to implement electoral reform and to say that the Chapter 11 investor-state dispute settlement provision should be removed from the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
Murray writes, “I cannot tell you how disappointed I am that after all the big talk before the election and the consultations with citizens and the formation of an advisory panel, Justin Trudeau has pulled the pin on one of the major planks of his platform, shame. Now Monday he’s going to meet with that nightmare of a man now occupying the Oval Office. We want to end our position as the most sued country under trade agreements ever.”
The Council of Canadians has mobilized thousands of its supporters to send a letter to the prime minister that states, “I ask you to remove NAFTA’s Chapter 11 investment provisions that allow corporations to sue governments over public interest laws or policies that hurt future corporate profits.”
To send this message to Trudeau before his meeting with Trump on Monday, please go to our online action alert NAFTA renegotiations cannot be another backroom deal now.
With respect to electoral reform, the Liberals had promised that the 2015 election would be the last held until the first-past-the-post voting system and set a deadline of May 2017 to introduce legislation on electoral reform. Undoubtedly many people voted for Trudeau because of this pledge to make our voting system more democratic. Now, just 15 months after the election, Trudeau has abandoned that promise. We strongly condemn Trudeau’s decision to not make every vote count.
As of this morning, 103,756 people have now signed e-616, an online House of Commons petition that calls on the Liberal government to “Immediately, declare its on-going commitment to ensuring the 2015 election be the last Federal Canadian election under the First Past The Post system.”
For more on the Sudbury chapter, please click here.