The Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs have announced a major protest that will be held in Vancouver on June 8, it’s called Convergence 2014 – Protecting Our Sacred Waters from Tarsands Oil.
They say, “The Harper Government could be days away from announcing their decision on Enbridge’s Northern Gateway Project. Join us to support all First Nations and all Peoples who will stand against pipelines to protect our coast, our waters and our future. We are all #SacredWaterWarriors.”
The march will begin at Sunset Beach at 12 noon and the rally will be at Vanier Park on English Bay. Bring your banners, signs, noisemakers, friends and family!
We encourage Council of Canadians supporters in the Vancouver-area to participate in this mass mobilization, 2-kilometre march and rally to say no to the Enbridge pipeline. Our Vancouver-based staff are helping to promote this gathering and we ask you to help pass the word on to your friends and to post online.
BC-Yukon organizer Leila Darwish says, “Spread the word, show your solidarity and come out to this rally and march. This is going to be a big moment in the fight against the Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline.” And organizing assistant Brigette DePape says, “Call is coming from First Nations at the front of this struggle! This is one you absolutely do not want to miss!”
For more information, please see this Facebook page and the UBCIC media release. More details will be available too on the Council of Canadians – Pacific Regional Office Facebook page.
See you in the streets!