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UPDATE: Adrienne Silnicki, health care campaigner

I am very pleased to share the news that Adrienne Silnicki is the new Council of Canadians health care campaigner. She will begin on Monday February 28.

Adrienne is currently the chairperson and treasurer of the Halifax chapter and works as an organizing assistant in our Atlantic office. She comes to us with a strong understanding of health care issues and the current threats against our public system.
A high school valedictorian, Adrienne has a BA in Public Affairs from Carleton University (graduating with high honours), and is currently also a graduate student at Saint Mary’s University. She has volunteer experience in health care and homelessness, and between November 2009 and April 2010 was a community health intern in Musufini, Kenya.

Her initial work will be to develop a campaign plan, but privatization, the renewal of the Canada Health Accord (, and the billions that would be added to health care costs in Canada with CETA (, have been identified as initial priorities.

Adrienne will begin her work in the Atlantic office and then transfer to the Ottawa office in the coming months.

Please join me in welcoming Adrienne.