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UPDATE: Barlow to receive Sierra Club’s Earthcare Award, Sept. 24

A news release from the Sierra Club in the United States has just announced that Council of Canadians chairperson Maude Barlow will receive their EarthCare Award which “honors an individual, organization, or agency that has made a unique contribution to international environmental protection and conservation.”

Barlow will be presented with the award on September 24 at a ceremony in Oakland, California.

The Sierra Club was founded in the United States in 1892 and the organization has 1.4 million members, more than 60 chapters, and approximately 500 paid staff working in the national headquarters in San Francisco, a lobbying office in Washington, DC, as well as in numerous state and regional offices. They have been successful in stopping the construction of dams (notably the Echo Park dam on the Colorado River in the 1950s and the building of two dams that would have flooded portions of the Grand Canyon in the 1960s) and continue working to decommission various dams (notably the O’Shaughnessy Dam on the Tuolumne River in California, the Glen Canyon Dam on the Colorado River in northern Arizona, and four dams on the Snake River in eastern Washington).

More soon.