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UPDATE: Campero highlights water inequalities in Mexico City

Claudia Campero Arena

“Activists from 17 countries in Latin America warned that ‘Mexico has water privatization happening now’ at the interational forum, ‘The human right to water and sanitation in the constitutions: Progress and Challenges in Latin America’, where they discussed the situation in the region in terms of access to water, through the exposure of the experiences in countries such as Bolivia, Uruguay, Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, Honduras, Chile and Mexico. …Organizations and participants at this forum come from various countries such as Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela, Colombia, Honduras, Costa Rica, Brazil, El Salvador, Guatemala, United States, Canada and Italy. …Claudia Campero (of the Coalition of Mexican Organizations for the Right to Water and the Blue Planet Project) said Mexico City shows water inequality, because ‘the west of the city has privileged access to water, even though there are neighborhoods in the west with water scarcity’ (and other sectors recurrently or even daily are suffering shortages, poor quality, inequity of access).”

The full AnimalPolitico article can be read (in Spanish) at