On my way to Montreal by bus Wednesday night
This Friday morning, chapter activists and organizing team staff from across the country will be gathering at the Marriott Château Champlain in Montreal for our chapter caucus day.
That evening, the ‘Indignez-Vous! Hope in Resistance’ conference formally starts with a public forum featuring Maude Barlow, Louis Roy, Ellen Gabriel, Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois, and a video message from Stéphane Hessel.
Indignez-Vous! is being organized in collaboration with Alternatives, Eau Secours!, Association québécoise de lutte contre la pollution atmosphérique (AQLPA), and Médecins Quebecois pour la regime publique (MQRP).
On Saturday during the day there will be six political panels, followed by dinner and music in the evening.
Then on Sunday morning, the Council of Canadians will hold its annual business meeting with reports and resolutions to be discussed.
If you are not able to be in Montreal, you can watch most of the conference in both English at http://livestream.com/rabbletv and in French at http://livestream.com/rabbletv2.
For all the details on the Indignez-Vous! conference, please go to http://canadians.org/conference and http://canadians.org/indignez-vous (en français).
And of course there will be much more on the go, including solidarity with Occupons/ Occupy Montreal just down the street from us! As Council activists and allies begin to make their way across the country to Indignez-Vous!, there is every indication this will be our most interesting annual gathering yet. Welcome and bienvenue!