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UPDATE: Council of Canadians holds public forum against the TPP in Vancouver

Kristen Beifus at the cross-border protest against the TPP at the Peace Arch park this past December.

Kristen Beifus at the cross-border protest against the TPP at the Peace Arch park this past December.

Last night, the Council of Canadians organized a public forum in Vancouver titled ‘Call to Mobilization Against the Trans Pacific Partnership’.

Speakers included Kristen Beifus from the Washington Fair Trade Coalition who explained what the TPP is and provided an update on organizing against it in the US.

As noted on the Facebook event page, “Like all trade agreements the Trans Pacific Partnership is a corporate rights pact where by national governments establish new rules in support of multi-national corporations while undermining the will and self-determination of communities. The TPP is one of the largest proposed trade agreements, resembling the Free Trade Area of the Americas which was derailed by people’s movements. The TPP is one of many trade initiatives championed by Stephen Harper and his predecessors in order to promote market friendly policies that favor the rights of Canadian mining and other corporations as opposed to the rights of people.”

Slide from last night's meeting. Photo by Maryam Adrangi.

Slide from last night’s meeting. Photo by Maryam Adrangi.

In advance of last night’s meeting, Council of Canadians organizer Harjap Grewal stated, “The evening will include a discussion about how we can mobilize opposition to this agreement in our communities as we look forward to negotiation rounds arriving in Canada this summer.”

The 16th round of TPP negotiations began on Monday in Singapore and run to March 13. There is speculation that a future round of TPP talks could take place in Vancouver in early-July. Those negotiating the TPP claim that a deal could be reached by October 2013.

For more, please see:
UPDATE: Council of Canadians protests the Trans Pacific Partnership
NEWS: Canada likely to be at TPP talks in December
NEWS: Council critiques Canada’s entry into the Trans Pacific Partnership talks