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UPDATE: The Council of Canadians in the New Internationalist

The April 2010 issue of the New Internationalist includes an article about the Alberta tar sands, Canada’s Mordor, by Maude Barlow, Andrea Harden-Donahue and Meera Karunananthan.

In ‘Escape from Mordor’, they write, “The Council of Canadians is among many organizations calling for a tar sands-free future and stronger policies that would prevent profit interests from trumping social and environmental policies.”

Also featured is an article about Dr. John O’Connor, who is now a member of the Council of Canadians Board of Directors.

This month’s issue of the magazine, which has a paid circulation of more than 75,000 readers, has a 17-page focus on the tar sands.

To find out more about this month’s issue of NI, and to read some of the articles now available on-line, please go to

And be sure to pick up the magazine in your local book store, it’s an excellent resource!