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UPDATE: Council to participate in ‘Idle No More’ actions

As noted on an Idle No More Facebook page, “Idle No More, a group of Indigenous women, has made a peaceful call to action requesting acts of solidarity against governments and industries that use legislation and disregard free, prior and informed consent to further their agendas in the name of profit and progress, ignoring the natural law to live as one with Mother Earth. …December 10th marks the international day for Human Rights. Idle No More is requesting that all our relations take part in a peaceful demonstration of solidarity.”

Council of Canadians Prairies organizer Scott Harris is supporting the activities in Edmonton on December 10 that will focus on “Bill C-45 and the Beaver Lake Cree Nation’s lawsuit against the Government of Canada in relation to industry, development, and thousands of treaty violations.” As noted on the event’s Facebook page, “March will go around the court house, starting on the east side, going around on 104 avenue and then onto the west side. Beaver Lake Cree Nation in court on this day to fight for Constitutional Rights. We will chant in solidarity for them as we go around, then make our way to Canada Place.” More at More on the Beaver Lake Cree Nation lawsuit can be read in this blog at

The Council of Canadians Toronto chapter has endorsed the call for a ‘soft picket’ on December 10 of the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers meeting at the Sheraton Centre as well as a march to Queen’s Park. “CAPP and the oil companies they represent have been responsible for intense lobbying pressure in Ottawa for decades to remove legislation that protects First Nations, environmental and water rights in Canada in the name of the economy.” More information at

Also on December 10, actions will be taking place in Whitehorse, Vancouver, Saddle Lake Cree Nation, Calgary, Saskatoon, North Battleford, Winnipeg, Happy Valley-Goose Bay (which focuses on opposition to the Muskrat Falls hydroelectric dam, Regina will participate today (December 9). On December 2, a related action took place at the Louis Bull Cree Nation. Details on all of these actions are listed at

And on December 21, there will be an Idle No More action in Ottawa. As noted on their Facebook page, “We will begin @ 12 noon with a Traditional Ceremony to be held on Victoria Island. Following the ceremony, a March/walk 1.2 km’s will begin to Parliament Hill (with the required Police escort). Speeches, Presentations & Entertainers upon arrival on The Hill. More on the Ottawa event at

Council of Canadians activists are encouraged to participate in these actions.