National water campaigner Meera Karunananthan reports that yesterday evening, “The Steelworkers Hall was packed with 150-200 people who came to hear about the Grassy Narrows struggle for water justice.” She adds, “Maude spoke about the systemic destruction of water resources in Canada and impacts on Indigenous communities. She made the links with Schedule 2 and talked about the importance of having water recognized as a human right. She also spoke of the need to take control of water resources back from the Harper government.”Additionally, “A woman from a reserve that has not been acknowledged as having been affected spoke of her community’s struggle for compensation. Ironically, she said she had spent all the money she received in compensation as a victim of residential schools.” And, “Judy Rebick spoke of decolonizing our minds and seeing this struggle as belonging to all – not just affected First Nations communities.” Meera also notes that Executive Director Garry Neil, Director of Organizing Carleen Pickard, and Ontario-Quebec organizer Mark Calzavara were all part of the event. More on this event at