The Tsilhqot’in National Government was back in court today challenging Taseko Mines Ltd. in order to defend Tsilhqot’in territories from further damage by the proposed ‘New’ Prosperity Mine project. Council of Canadians regional organizer Harjap Grewal helped organize a show of support for the Tsilhqot’in at a 9 am PT rally today that took place outside the BC Law Courts (at Hornby and Nelson).
The Canadian Press reports, “Taseko Mines wants an injunction and enforcement order against the band, while the First Nation wants the court to keep the mining firm out of its territory. …As a handful of people carrying protest placards stood by in support, Tsilhoqot’in Chief Marilyn Baptiste told reporters the court application is asking to keep the company off band lands to protect their territory.”
“Chief Bob Chamberlin of the Union of B.C. Indian Chiefs stood beside Baptiste outside the courthouse Monday. He said the union will call on its membership to support the Chilcoutin natives in whatever decision is made to protect their territories. ‘If that’s a road block, then it’s a road block. If it’s a sit-in somewhere, then it’s a sit-in somewhere,’ Chamberlin said. ‘But we want them to know that they’re not standing alone, and that’s the message I want the government to know.'”
“The hearing is expected to last the rest of the week.”
For background on the last several weeks of court challenges and efforts to protect Teztan Biny (Fish Lake), Y’anah Biny (Little Fish lake), and Nabas (the surrounding area), please go to