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UPDATE: Delta/Richmond chapter screens ‘Salmon Confidential’

Twyla Roscovich, Cathy Wilander, Alexandra, Bob Ages, John Stevens.

Twyla Roscovich, Cathy Wilander, Alexandra, Bob Ages, John Stevens.

The Delta/Richmond chapter had a very successful event on Thursday night with the screening of the film ‘Salmon Confidential’. This film documents the shocking actions taken by the federal government and uncovers the spread of deadly viruses to wild salmon. The film also explains the decline in wild salmon and the effects to the wild salmon economy.

Chapter activist Cathy Wilander tells us, “Biologist Alexandra Morton, who is featured in the film, very movingly called our community ‘the Guardian of the Fraser’.”

Wilander also notes, “Alexandra and filmmaker Twyla Roscovich were impressed with the support they have received from Council of Canadians chapters. They also want to go to other communities with chapters for more film showings.” To arrange a local film screening, go here. Wilander adds, “They need communities to take action as farmed salmon is widely sold, having a screening is a good way to organize actions.”

To watch ‘Salmon Confidential’ online, go to

For more, please read:
UPDATE: Pacific region chapters organize screenings of ‘Salmon Confidential’