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UPDATE: Experimental Lakes Area should not be run by Enbridge-funded institute

Diane Orihel, a scientist and the director of the Coalition to Save ELA, beside one of the lakes in the Experimental Lakes Area. Photo by Fred Lum/ The Globe and Mail

Diane Orihel, a scientist and the director of the Coalition to Save ELA, beside one of the lakes in the Experimental Lakes Area. Photo by Fred Lum/ The Globe and Mail

“We question the autonomy of the science and independence of the scientists – either real or perceived – under a government- and industry-funded organization that needs to be ‘client-friendly’ to cover its bottom line.” – Diane Orihel on the reported transfer of the now publicly-funded Experimental Lakes Area freshwater research facility to the International Institute for Sustainable Development which has among its funders Enbridge, Suncor, Alcan, Investors Group, the World Bank, HSBC Bank of Canada, the International Council of Mining and Minerals, and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development.

A joint Save ELA – Council of Canadians media release on this can be read at