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UPDATE: Mair and Gillis in Williams Lake, March 25

Rafe Mair

Rafe Mair

The Williams Lake Tribune reports that, “Author and social commentator Rafe Mair and documentary film maker Damien Gillis will be in Williams Lake March 25 for a town-hall style presentation on their new online non-profit journal The Common Sense Canadian — a voice for the public and environment. … The event is co-presented by the Council of Canadians Williams Lake Chapter.”

Damien Gillis

Damien Gillis

“Mair and Gillis are touring 30 B.C. communities and will make their presentation in the Williams Lake secondary commons theatre from 7 to 9 p.m. on March 25. The two-hour event will feature Gillis’ new short documentary on the proposed Enbridge pipeline to B.C.’s North Coast, called Oil in Eden, plus a key-note speech by Mair. There will also be an opportunity for the audience to ask questions and discuss issues with the speakers on topics such as rivers, hydro bills, oil tankers and democracy.”

The Williams Lake Tribune article is at